This course of study material for Physics Honours covers a number of sections of Physics. Each of several domains or section also contain a number of chapters covering syllabus of CBCS curriculum of different SEM exams under syllabus offering by any Indian University. These materials are urgently needed for student's preparation at a standard level and the material is made in easy language with complete explanation in respect of Physics and Mathematical point of view with supported diagram when needed.
Chapters :
1. Atomic Structure and Models of Atom
2. Atoms in Electric & Magnetic Field
3. Many electron atoms
Chapters :
1. Classical Mechanics of Charged Particle
2. Fluid Dynamics
3. Small Amplitude Oscillations
Chapters :
1. Analog Modulation
2. Digital Pulse Modulation
3. Electronic Communication
4. Introduction to Communication and Navigation Systems
Chapters :
1. Alternating Current
2. Ballistic Galvanometer
3. Electrical Circuits
4. Electromagnetic Induction
5. Magnetic Field due to Steady Current
6. Magnetic Properties of Matter
7. Network Theorem
8. Thermoelectricity
Chapters :
1. EM Wave in Bounded Media
2. EM Wave Propagation in Unbounded Media
3. Maxwell’s Equations
4. Optical Fibre
5. Polarization of Electromagnetic Waves
Chapters :
1. Bipolar Junction Transistor
2. Feedback Amplifier
3. Field Effect Transistor
5. Oscillator
6. RC Coupled Amplifier
7. Rectifiers and Filters
8. Semiconductor Diodes
9. Transistor Amplifier
Chapters :
1. Basic Concept of Digital Gates
2. Digital Counters
3. Diode Diode Logic and Transistor Logic
4. Encoder and Decoder
5. Flip Flops
6. Half Adder and Full Adder
7. Half Subtractor and Full Subtractor
8. IC 555 Timer
9. Multiplexer and Demultiplexer
10. Multivibrators
11. Shift Register
12. Simplification of Boolean Expression
Chapters :
1. Dielectrics and Capacitor
2. Electrostatic Field and Potential
3. Method of Electrostatic Image
Chapters :
1. Elasticity
2. Fluid Dynamics
3. Surface Tension
4. Viscosity
Chapters :
1. Calculus
2. Fourier Series
3. Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates
4. Partial Differential Equations (Boundary Value Problems)
5. Some Special Integral (Beta, Gamma and Error Functions)
6. Special Functions (ODE)
7. Vector (DOT and CROSS Product)
8. Vector (Elementary)
9. Vector (Integrations)
10. Vector (Operators)
11. Vector (Theorems)
Chapters :
1. Calculus of Variation
2. Complex Numbers
3. Complex Variables
4. Dirac Delta Function
5. Matrix Algebra
6. Theory of Probability
Chapters :
1. Eigen Values and Eigen Vecotrs
2. Error
3. Fourier Transformation
4. Laplace Transformation
5. Linear Vector Space
Chapters :
1. Elasticity
2. Fundamental Dynamics
3. Gravitation
4. Motion under Central Force
5. Non Inertial Systems
6. Rotational Dynamics
7. Work - Energy
Chapters :
1. Constrained Motion
2. Hamiltonian Mechanics
3. Lagrangian Mechanics
Chapters :
1. Electron Transport
2. Nano Scale Systems
3. Optical Properties
4. Synthesis of Nano Structure Materials
Chapters :
1. Detector for Nuclear Radiations
2. General Properties of Nuclei
3. Interaction of Nuclear Radiation with Matter
4. Nuclear Models
5. Nuclear Reactions
6. Particle Accelerators
7. Particle Physics
8. Radioactivity Decay
Chapters :
1. Oscillations
2. Superposition of Collinear Harmonic Oscillations
3. Superposition of Two Harmonic Waves
4. Wave Motion
Chapters :
1. Dynamical Processess
2. Evolution
3. Structure
4. The Earth and the Universe
Chapters :
1. Bound State in arbitrary Potential
2. Quantum Theory of Hydrogen like Atoms
3. Schrodinger Equation
Chapters :
1. Application of Schrodinger's Equation
2. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
3. Quantum Theory of Light
4. Rotational and Vibrational Spectroscopy
5. Schrodinger's Equation in new Quantum Mechanics
6. Theory of Black Body Radiation
7. Wave Particle Duality and Matter Wave
Chapters :
1. Aberration
2. Dispersion of Light
3. Fermat's Principle
4. Human Eye
5. Matrix Method in Ray Optics
6. Optical Instruments
7. Reflection of Light
8. Refraction at Spherical Surface and Lens
Chapters :
1. Crystal Structure
2. Dielectric Properties of Materials
3. Elementary Band Theory
4. Elementary Lattice Dynamics
5. Ferroelectric Properties of Materials
6. Magnetic Properties of Matter
7. Superconductivity
Chapters :
1. Four Momentum Conservation
2. Four Vector and Transformation Matrix
3. Length Contraction and Time Dilation in 4 Space
4. Light Cone and World Line
5. Lorentz Transformations in Minkowski Space
6. Metric Tensor
7. Relativistic Doppler Effect
8. Relativistic Electromagnetic Theory
9. Relativistic Kinematics
Chapters :
1. Special Theory of Relativity (Basic)
Chapters :
1. Bose Einstein Statistics
2. Classical Statistical Mechanics
3. Classical Theory of Radiation
4. Fermi Dirac Statistics
5. Quantum Theory of Radiation
Chapters :
1. Kinetic Theory of Gasses
2. Real Gas
3. Thermal Conduction
4. Thermal Radiation
Chapters :
1. Introduction to Thermodynamics
2. Maxwell's Thermodynamic Relations
3. Thermodynamic Potentials
Chapters :
1. Coherence
2. Diffraction of Light
3. Huygen's Construction
4. Interference of Light
5. Interferometer
6. LASER and Holography
7. Polarization of Light