Courses OverView

  • Course Name-Physics Minor (NEP)
  • Created By- CT Physics
  • Total no of Sections- 4
  • Total no of Chapters- 20
  • Price-₹2998 ₹1499 50% OFF!

Course Description

  1. Electrodynamics

    • Chapter 1: Electrical Circuits
    • Chapter 2: Electromagnetic Induction
    • Chapter 3: Magnetic Field due to Steady Current
    • Chapter 4: Magnetic Properties of Matter
    • Chapter 5: Network Theorem
  2. Electrostatics

    • Chapter 1: Dielectrics and Capacitor
    • Chapter 2: Electrostatic Field and Potential
    • Chapter 3: Method of Electrostatic Image
  3. Mechanics - 1

    • Chapter 1: Elasticity
    • Chapter 2: Fluid Dynamics
    • Chapter 3: Fundamental Dynamics
    • Chapter 4: Gravitation
    • Chapter 5: Motion under Central Force
    • Chapter 6: Rotational Dynamics
    • Chapter 7: Work - Energy
  4. Vector Calculus

    • Chapter 1: Vector (DOT and CROSS Product)
    • Chapter 2: Vector (Elementary)
    • Chapter 3: Vector (Integrations)
    • Chapter 4: Vector (Operators)
    • Chapter 5: Vector (Theorems)

Download some sample of the course
Minor Sample Sem-1
Minor Sample Sem-2
Sections and Chapters covered in this course

                    Chapters :

                          1. Electrical Circuits

                          2. Electromagnetic Induction

                          3. Magnetic Field due to Steady Current

                          4. Magnetic Properties of Matter

                          5. Network Theorem

                    Chapters :

                           1. Dielectrics and Capacitor

                           2. Electrostatic Field and Potential

                           3. Method of Electrostatic Image

                    Chapters :

                           1. Elasticity

                           2. Fluid Dynamics

                           3. Fundamental Dynamics

                           4. Gravitation

                           5. Motion under Central Force

                           6. Rotational Dynamics

                           7. Work - Energy

                     Chapters :

                            1. Vector (DOT and CROSS Product)

                            2. Vector (Elementary)

                            3. Vector (Integrations)

                            4. Vector (Operators)

                            5. Vector (Theorems)