Courses OverView

  • Course Name-CT Web MCQ (XI)
  • Created By-CT Physics
  • Price - ₹998  ₹499  50% OFF!
Course Description

After preparation of any chapter of Physics from XI Syllabus, student should practice MCQ of the chapters in each section and thus, such MCQ practice is very essential specially for competitive examination.

1. Physical World and Measurement (MCQ) , 2. Vector (MCQ) , 3. Kinematics (MCQ) , 4. Laws of Force (MCQ) , 5. Work Power Energy (MCQ)

1. Properties of Matter (MCQ)

1. Gravitation (MCQ)

1. Thermal Physics - 1 (MCQ), 2. Thermal Physics - 2 (MCQ)

1. Oscillations and Waves (MCQ)